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We strive to ensure our fair and transparent approach is evident in all we do. From our products and services, to our Standard Storage Services Agreement – we treat all customers equally – both in terms of the auctioning of capacities and our extensive support. The storage product that Gas Storage Bergermeer provides is designed to optimise your gas portfolio.

Standard bundled units (SBU)

Standard bundles are offered both on a fixed price basis as well as on indexed price basis. The indexed priced bundles are based on the average of the TTF summer – winter spread six months prior to each storage year times an agreed multiplier.

A Standard Bundled Unit consists of
Injection capacity: 0.485 kW
Space: 1,000 kWh
Withdrawal capacity: 0.490 kW

Customers have full flexibility in choosing when to inject or withdraw. For each customer a pressure factor will apply based on the utilisation of the customer’s working gas volume. The effective withdrawal period will be 97 days and the injection period 122 days.

Bergermeer benefits

Further product characteristics include:

Short renomination times
Different pricing options
TTF delivery
Easy access to interruptible
Full flexibility
2,5 hrs allowing within day balancing Indexed, Fixed and Optimization Agreement No transport cost  Any nomination above firm is treated as interruptible No predefined injection or withdrawal periods