Technical update GSB
Since early January, GSB is reporting reduced technical availability on the withdrawal side caused by problems with the compressors. GSB has in total six compressors, of which one is always in routine maintenance as per design.
In autumn 2020, a second compressor required longer term maintenance, which did not have any impact on the technical withdrawal availability at that point in time.
After the events earlier this month, our technical team determined longer term maintenance is also needed on a third compressor. This is affecting the technical availability in the coming period, as compression is required in the current withdrawal operating mode.
The issues in these two compressors are not identical, but both appear to be linked to the malfunction of electrical components. Further investigation is ongoing.
When we are able to share more information, we will do so on this website.
Please check for the latest technical unavailability.
Customers should check their contractual rights via myGSB.