GSB Auctions SY20: the results
Today TAQA sold all 8.25 TWh offered storage capacity for storage year 2020 during two separate auctions.
The first auction offered 4 TWh on a fixed-price basis and applied a reserve price of 1.50 €/SBU. This capacity was sold with a cut-off price of 4.33 €/SBU and a weighted average price of 4.39 €/SBU. Overall demand above the reserve price was more than 10 times the capacity on offer.
The second auction offered 4.25 TWh on an indexed-price basis and applied a reserve multiplier of 1.1. This capacity was sold with a cut-off multiplier of 1.28 and a weighted average multiplier of 1.43. All indexed capacity was sold for a 3 year tenor. Overall demand above the reserve multiplier was almost 7 times the capacity on offer.
For storage year 2020, another 3 TWh will be auctioned on the 18th of February 2020 at 11:00 – 11:30 CET with a minimum price of 1.50 €/SBU.
The final 1 TWh for storage year 2020 will be tendered in February 2020 under the Optimization Agreement (OA). For more information click here.
For historical Auction results please click here.